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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Kelly Thomas' Dad Meets with Fullerton Mayor over Son's Death | FOX 11 News

Kelly Thomas' Dad Meets with Fullerton Mayor over Son's Death | FOX 11 News

This simply has got to be stopped. The beating death of Kelly Thomas,is such a tragedy that I've just had to step in and do what I can to help fight for Justice For Kelly Thomas. A Fullerton man, that was approached by Fullerton Police Officers, 2 at first, who had responded to a report of a man trying to break into cars parked at the Fullerton Bus Depot.
Kelly just happened to be there,was homeless,and known around town as a sweet,gentle, passive man, that never would have hurt anyone. But these police officers scared Kelly just by approaching him,so he ran our of fear.But they caught up with him, knocked him to the ground, and one of those officers, knee dropped him more than once, hitting Kelly in the throat and on his nose. Kelly screamed out in pain,kept telling them "I can't breathe!! I can't breathe!" but the assault continued.
Soon enough, sirens could be heard, and 4 more police officers arrived on the scene,but none tried to stop this assault on one man. Instead,they joined in and began using their stun guns on Kelly.A total of 6 times. All this while, Kelly screaming in pain, and yelling for "Dad! Dad!! Dad!!", and nobody tried to intervene. Instead, when they had Kelly handcuffed and face down in the curb, they began beating him with the butts of those stun guns,until he stopped screaming,making any sounds, or moving. But they didn't stop beating him,which resulted in Kelly lapsing into a coma.
But what makes this an even more of a tragedy, is Kelly was Schizophrenic,and a non violent one at that.
There were many witnesses there that night,that heard and saw what was happening, and recorded their own videos of the event,but yet nobody thought to call the media, or other agencies to try and stop this and save Kelly's life.
These witnesses have been coming forward,and trying to help with the case.And all, are now kicking themselves for not being brave enough to step in. They did yell for them to stop, but to no avail.
By the time the whole thing was over, Kelly was unrecognizable, because they had beaten him so badly.
He was rushed by ambulance to a nearby hospital,where he was placed on life supports,but died 5 days later as a result of the injuries he sustained.
I've seen Kelly twice in the past couple of months,and both times, he's been very quiet, very gentle, and his family he had with him the first time I encountered him, were his brother and sister in law, and they were laughing and joking around, while his sister in law, was very gentle with Kelly,and seemed to really cater to him, so this tells me that Kelly was a very non violent Schizophrenic that was dearly loved by those who knew him best.
Even the citizens of Fullerton,California, described him as gentle, passive, sweet, and would never harm anyone.
One only has to look at his face, either in photographs of him, or in person, to know that he really was all those things.
I was crossing the street,coming from Albertsons' grocery store, when I saw Kelly for the second time. And I know it was him,because I described this man, a tall redhead with soft curls that came to his shoulders, and the very distinctive beard he wore. The clothes he wore,and the duffel bag he carried, to his sister,and she believes it just might have been him. He had this look of La lala lala on his face. Like he was just trucking along, minding his own business,and just exploring Orange County. He had a very gentle look to him,that really caught my attention both times I encountered him.
What we are doing, is trying to fight for Justice For Kelly Thomas,by creating websites in his name, that will draw attention to his story. I created a facebook page of this name, to spread his story. So far, I have reached 81 members from not only Fullerton,California, but other parts of California, and other states as well.
It does not matter if you live in California or in another state. You too can be a part of our peaceful fight.
Photos of yourself holding a photo of Kelly,with the words "Justice For Kelly Thomas" and spreading his story around,is all it takes. Thank you<3